v-Patients supports you in every phase of your implant development

Explore your Target Group

Patient cohort selection01

Create your own virtual patient population that fits to your implant using our extensive database. Detailed criteria allow for a proper selection of the target population.

Anatomy study02

Better understand your target anatomy with the help of virtual models, morphological and statistical analysis and simulations.

Validate your Design

Collaborative analysis03

Evaluate design changes directly in the virtual patient population together with your colleagues and clinical advisors.

Virtual implantation 04

Visualize your device in highly-accurate anatomy models of humans and animals, prior to manufacture.

Data-driven optimization05

Determine the ideal fit of your device and how to adjust your design to treat the maximum number of patients.

Submit as Digital Evidence

Regulatory approval06

Get support in the regulatory approval process and accelerate the preclinical and clinical phase through digital testing methods.

Copyright 2021 Virtonomy GmbH

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